Supplemental Healthcare Plans

We try our best to prepare for life’s unexpected events. A basic healthcare plan is a step in the right direction. Add catastrophic healthcare, and you’re covered for most cases. However, the little things may quickly add up. Here is where a supplemental health care plan will save the day. In addition to a primary health care plan, supplemental has you covered when out-of-pocket expenses start adding up. The cost of an extended hospital stay, for example, can become a detriment to your home life and financial status.

Types of Supplemental Healthcare Plans

Never let yourself be backed into a corner. To be fully prepared for out-of-pocket costs and expenses, some of which are ineligible by your primary healthcare plan, we offer supplemental healthcare plans with added benefits. Such policies may be added to any existing Individual or Family plans or purchased separately. You may require dental, vision, or indemnity plans – all together or acquired independently.
A supplemental plan is a perfect way to receive the medical care you require without paying for services you won’t ever use.


A low-cost vision plan offering cost-sharing helps families who want to see the world clearly. Everyone should undergo regular eye exams to promote healthy eyesight. If you already wear eyeglasses, your prescription may need to be updated on occasion. A supplemental vision plan, added to your existing healthcare plan, ensures you may visit an optometrist without going broke!


A supplemental dental plan includes annual teeth cleanings and minor restorative work for a low monthly cost. Our program may be added to any existing Individual or Family healthcare plan, ensuring you have the healthy smile and strong teeth necessary for life’s everyday tasks.
You’re no longer stuck with whatever cover is available. Supplemental health care plans from Medical Sharing provide a firm basis for life’s everyday challenges.